Typing Master contains lots of games which will help you learn typing in a very entertaining and relaxing environment. You can learn how to type fast through a fun way as well. During all of these courses you can take a test after every lesson to judge your skill improvement. It integrate three different types of courses which are touch typing course, speed building course and numbers, special marks course. You can also download Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Platinum. It provides you a step by step guidance so that you can type efficiently in less time. Typing Master is one of the most efficient typing assistance tools among many out there. It provides loads of tutorials, exercises, tests as well as games. Typing Master is a typing assistance application that can be used for improving your typing speed. You can download Typing tutor from below link.

Learning is supported by multi-form exercises, including graphical keyboard drills, timed texts, games and personalized review exercises.Free typing master is best tool to learn typing. TypingMaster’s extensive, clearly structured study material covers the basics of touch typing, the numeric keypad, special marks and tips on ergonomics. Over a few weeks you’ll eliminate those pain points that slow you down – what an easy way to perfect your typing skills. When recurring problems are detected, Typing Meter suggests a quick training session with tailor-made exercises to hone those problem areas. It gathers basic typing staticstics for you to view, and also detects those keys and words that are problematic for you. Thanks to this personal approach you can put your new skills into action after only 3 to 5 hours of training.Now also contains Typing Meter widget that measures and analyzes your typing habits on the background while you work. Weak spots are pinpointed and rapidly eliminated with additional exercises. Adjusts to Your Progress: At every stage training is adjusted to your personal progress. As a result your typing speed will increase significantly saving you a lot of valuable work time. The program provides customized exercises and helpful feedback to guide you step by step to professional keyboarding.

Meet Typing Master, the personal touch typing tutor that adapts to your unique needs.